Workshop agenda to date:
TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2017
- 1:00-5:00pm
- Option 1: 9 Hole Golf Tournament
- OR
- Option 2: Guided History Tour — St. Eugene Mission
- 6:00-8:00pm Ice Breaker Reception
- 7:30-8:00am Registration and Breakfast
- 8:15-9:00am Keynote Speaker: TBD
Theme 1: Innovation — a global view of current breakthroughs and future possibilities
- 9:00-10:30am Session 1: TALPA, WAAS, GPS approaches
- 10:30-11:00am Coffee
- 11:00-12:00am Session 2: UAV’s, PNP, RNP approaches, Nav Canada level of service
- 12:00-12:30pm Lunch
- 12:15-1:15pm Keynote: Negotiations Mastery
Theme 2: Balancing Act – financial planning in a growth environment
- 1:15-2:30pm Session 3: Funding Streams (BCAAP / ACAP, Municipal/ PFF&AIF/Other
- 2:30-2:45pm Coffee
- 2:45-4:30pm Session 4: Non-Aeronautical Revenue (benchmarking and emerging trends)
- 4:30-5:30pm BC Aviation Council Annual General Meeting
- 5:30-6:00pm BCAC Airports Committee Annual General Meeting
- 6:30-8:30pm Evening Reception / Social – Cranbrook History Centre (formerly Canadian Museum of Rail Travel)
- 7:30-8:00am Registration and Breakfast
- 8:00-9:00am Keynote Speaker
Theme 3: Human Resources
- 9:15-10:15am Session 5: Attraction and Retention
- 10:15-10:45am Break
- 10:45-11:45am Session 6: Training Resources
- 11:45-12:00am Break
- 12:00-1:00pm Lunch
- 1:00-1:30pm Keynote Speaker
Theme 4: Technical
- 1:30-2:30pm Session 7: Zoning
- 2:30-2:45pm Wrap up and closing remarks
REGISTRATION COST: (Early Bird rate ends April 1st)
- BCAC Member – Early Bird: $250
- Non-Member – Early Bird: $300
- Students: $100
Rate includes workshop and workshop meals.
Venue: St. Eugene Mission, 7777 Mission Road, Cranbrook, BC
For information on hotel booking, discounted flights, and to register visit