Nomination for Back and Bevington Air Safety Trophy

The Back and Bevington Air Safety Trophy is awarded annually for a most significant contribution to Air Safety in the Province of British Columbia.

Basic Criteria – The nominee will have made a significant contribution to Air Safety in any aspect of aviation such as, but not limited to:

  1. Aircraft operation/design
  2. Accident investigation/prevention
  3. Flight training
  4. Engineering
  5. Airport operations/design

Nominator must attach a narrative explanation and details of the achievements and qualifications of the nominee for the award.

  1. The Trophy may be awarded to an organization, an individual or both
  2. Only a BCAC Member in good standing may submit a nomination. The nominee need not be a Member of BCAC.
  3. The BCAC Awards Committee will select the winner from among those nominated or postpone the award if no suitable nominations are received.
  4. The winner will be presented with the trophy at the BCAC Silver Wings Awards Banquet.

    I am:

    Hereby Nominate:

    Nominator must attach a narrative explanation and details of the achievements and qualifications of the nominee for the award. Attachments can be in doc, docx, txt, or pdf format. Please limit your attachments to 5MG or less.

    Note: Nomination should be returned to the BCAC office no later than August 31st. *Only persons or organizations that are members of the BC Aviation Council may submit a nomination; the nominee, however, need not be a BCAC member.

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