Scholarship Applications
Scholarship applications open annually on January 15th and close on April 30th at midnight. Good luck!
BC Aviation Council (BCAC) Scholarship Applications open annually on January 15th. Applications must be made using the online form and reach our office no later than midnight April 30th.
BCAC members recognize the financial pressures faced by students pursuing studies in aviation and aerospace and are pleased to provide over $150,000 worth of scholarships and other support on an annual basis. With the critical shortage of human resources faced by our industry – even before the COVID pandemic – and the need to support industry-wide recovery efforts, a focus on scholarships is a key priority of the BCAC. Our members have really stepped up to the challenge. As a result, this is Canada’s largest aviation and aerospace scholarship program.
Students can apply for cash awards ranging from $1,500 to $20,000. However, these awards are about much more than just the cash. Winning any scholarship is a valuable addition to your resumé, especially because the BCAC Scholarship Committee consists of dedicated industry leaders and their review of applications is extremely thorough. Reference letters, transcripts and a complete application are particularly important to the Scholarship Committee; explaining why you require financial assistance is also expected. Applications are treated in the strictest of confidence but may be shared in confidence with the appropriate scholarship donor(s).
General criteria for each scholarship are listed here, with any additional required details listed under the individual scholarships below.
You must fill out the online form (also below) and select the category(s) you are applying for. More than one category can be selected.
There are four general scholarship categories: Pilots; Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs); Aviation and Aerospace Operations and Management; and, General Including Aerospace.
Results of each year’s submissions are announced before the end of June, payment is made to the school attending or individual by the end of August, and certificates are awarded at the Silver Wings Scholarship and Industry Awards Celebration in October at the Vancouver Convention Centre West. Successful applicants should join their aviation and aerospace colleagues at this fun, networking gala as our guest. Check out the 2023 Scholarship Winners!
If you have any questions, please contact the BC Aviation Council at
Industry Awards and Scholarship Selection Committee (DRAFT)
Donate today to the BCAC’s scholarship programs and support the next generation of BC’s aviation and aerospace leaders!
Thank you to the following for their current ongoing support of the scholarship program.
Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP for funding a $2,500 annual scholarship, the Ernie Alexander Memorial Scholarship, since 2010, and contributing $500 annually to the John and Michelle Ward Memorial Scholarship.
Alpha Aviation for providing $5,000 annually to support the Alpha Aviation Multi-IFR Training Scholarship.
Anderson Family for funding a $6,000 private pilot award annually since 2014. This scholarship increased to $7,000 in 2020, $8,000 in 2022 and $10,000 in 2024. It is Canada’s leading and most prestigious private pilot scholarship.
Bain and Brown Family for contributing $20,000 a year supporting the pursuit of a fixed wing or rotary pilot career with a Canadian Airline. This is Canada’s leading pilot career scholarship of its type.
Barry Lapointe Foundation for adding $10,000 to the Barry and Jim Aviation Maintenance Graduate award’s endowment, allowing us to increase the scholarship by $500. This is our largest endowed scholarship.
Camber Aviation Management for annually funding the $3,000 Camber Aviation Sea-to-Sky Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME) Scholarship.
Glacier Air for annually coordinating the fundraising campaign (usually in November) supporting the Francois Leh Flight Instructor Training Scholarship.
Harbour Air for annually funding two fixed wing Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) Awards of $3,000 each that include a six-month paid apprenticeship to each successful applicant. This is a powerful approach to the human resources crisis the industry is facing.
Helijet for being a long-time scholarship funder, currently offering an annual $5,000 bursary for rotary aircraft AME, IFR Pilot (including emerging eVTOL) flight and maintenance training. This is one of Canada’s most progressive and prestigious rotary training awards helping to build a future in aerospace.
Kelowna International Airport (YLW) for organizing ongoing fund raising activities in support of their rapidly growing investment fund (over $32,000 end 2023), the annual proceeds of which support their rapidly increasing scholarship for Okanagan residents furthering their career in the field of aviation and aerospace.
Nanaimo Airport (YCD) for their $2,000 annual contribution to an investment fund, the proceeds of which support all forms of on and near airport employment throughout the province.
Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association (PAMEA) for their $42,000 investment fund contribution, the proceeds of which support their annual AME scholarship program.
Pacific Coastal Airlines for their $30,000 contribution to scholarships supporting diversity from their amazing annual Memorial Charity Golf Tournament. This tournament has raised over $550,000 to support local charities. These may be Canada’s premier scholarships supporting indigenous and rural/remote community Students’ participation in aviation and aerospace.
PetroValue for funding a $2,500 annual scholarship for Students and mid-career applicants who are working toward, or are already employed, in the field of airport management, operations, safety or fueling operations.
Pitt Meadows Airport (YPK) for its annual $5,000 support of our most prestigious aviation management and operations scholarship.
Prince George Airport (YXS) for its annual $1,500 support for Indigenous Students from across Canada.
Roe Boat Trust for funding the $1,750 annual Emil Oucharek Memorial Scholarship, for Students completing their Commercial Helicopter Pilot Licence.
To find out how to be included in this listing of high-profile ongoing scholarship supporters, contact us at BC Aviation Council.
Please ensure the nomination application includes all the following. These criteria apply to all scholarships. Any additional requirements for individual awards are listed below under the scholarship name.
- Applications must be made using the online application form below.
- Applications must be received by midnight on April 30th. Winners will be announced before the end of June. Payment is made by end of July. Awards are recognized at the annual Silver Wings Scholarship and Industry Awards Celebration in October.
- Nominees must be BCAC Members – BCAC Student Membership is FREE for any Student so apply today!
- It is preferable that the nomination is made by a BCAC Supporter but it’s not required – you can self-nominate in most cases. Many BCAC Members are listed in the directory on this website.
- Each Nominator must attach a signed, detailed narrative summary of the achievements, strengths, and qualifications of the Nominee (approximately 200 – 400 words). Remember, you can self-nominate!
- A statement from the applicant must also be included indicating why they should receive the award, their reasons for requiring financial assistance, their scholastic and personal achievements, and their goals.
- High academic standing is required – an academic transcript must be included or explanation why it is not.
- All applications for flying scholarships must be accompanied by copies of Transport Canada flight test and written examination results for the licences held (Private and/or Commercial).
- In general, applications are accepted from everywhere. However, training must occur in British Columbia or the Yukon, Canada, unless otherwise noted.
- International Applicants: If you are not a Canadian Citizen nor Permanent Resident please note that preference is given to candidates who hope to make a contribution to Canadian aviation in their career. This should be clearly addressed in your application.
- Letters of recommendation from personal contacts are very helpful to include in your application.
- Incomplete applications will be discarded. Ensure that all required attachments are included. It is shocking how many applications must be ignored because they are incomplete.
TIP: Provide as much information as you can for the Selection Committee – the better your presentation, the more opportunity for success your application will have. Good luck!
Anderson Family Private Pilot Training: $10,000
(First Runner Up: BCAC Private Pilot Licence Award $2,500, Second Runner Up: BCAC Private Pilot Licence Award $1,500)
- The John Anderson family funds this annual scholarship, awarded in July before other scholarships, to a young aspiring BC pilot and high school student, between 15-19 years of age, who is passionate about flying.
For fixed or rotary Private Pilot License only.
- Must show some commitment to training and finishing, such as showing a dedicated interest in aviation, a commitment to complete the program, completed ground school and/or completed a minimum of 10 hours of flight training.
- Include a recommendation letter from a Transport Canada certified flight school advising on applicant’s potential to complete the program.
The application must be supported by a BCAC Supporter member in good standing (either a flight school or an individual).
- Funds will be paid in two instalments to the flight school upon receipt of invoice.
- Award recipient will speak at the October Silver Wings Industry and Scholarship Awards Celebration about the path they have taken towards aviation and provide a training update.
Anne and Rudi Bauer Memorial Private Pilot: $1,500
- Actively engaged in private pilot training or recently received PPL
- Provide transcript of marks.
- Superior flying skills – signed statement from flight instructor of Transport Canada certified flying school.
- Excellence in airmanship.
- Demonstrated commitment to continue towards commercial pilot training or involvement in an aviation industry training organisation such as aviation maintenance, airport operations or airline operations.
Bain and Brown Aviation Career: $20,000
- Assists in completing progressive pilot training leading to employment with a Canadian Airline.
- Funding will be provided in the following stages:
• $5,000 towards training for a Private Pilot Licence, then
• $10,000 towards training for a Commercial Pilots Licence, then
• $5,000 for training in IFR and/or Multi-Engine Certification. - Actively pursuing training as a commercial pilot (fixed or rotary aircraft).
- Canadian Citizen and a resident of BC or the Yukon.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Must demonstrate a strong desire to complete training and become an airline commercial pilot.
- The student must be registered with, and capable of taking flying training at, a Transport Canada Certified flight school in BC or the Yukon.
- Volunteer work in the aviation sector will be considered an asset.
Langley Aero Club: $1,500
- Towards a Private or Commercial pilots license at a school in British Columbia.
West Coast Pilot Club: $1,500
- Towards a Private or Commercial pilots license at a school in British Columbia.
Al Michaud Memorial Commercial Pilot: $1,500
Alpha Aviation Multi-Engine/IFR Training: $5,000
Open to pilots with a Canadian commercial licence seeking to upgrade with multi-engine IFR training.
Must be registered, accepted and attend a Transport Canada certified flight school in British Columbia. Funds are sent directly to the flight school.
This award would most likely go to pilots who have flown single engine aircraft in a commercial setting either as a flight instructor, with a small carrier, or as a floatplane operator.
BCAC Commercial Pilot: $1,500
Bain and Brown Aviation Career: $20,000
- Assists in completing progressive pilot training leading to employment with a Canadian Airline.
- Funding will provided in the following stages:
• $5,000 towards training for a Private Pilot Licence
• $10,000 towards training for a Commercial Pilots Licence
• $5,000 for training in IFR and/or Multi-Engine Certification. - Actively pursuing training as a commercial pilot (fixed or rotary aircraft).
- Canadian Citizen and a resident of BC or the Yukon.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Must demonstrate a strong desire to complete training and become an airline commercial pilot.
- The student must be registered, and capable of, taking flying training at a Transport Canada Certified flight school in BC or the Yukon.
- Volunteer work in the aviation sector will be considered an asset.
Conair Group Commercial Aviation Training: $3,000
- For fixed wing or rotary aircraft.
- Include a signed statement from recognized university, college, training institute or Transport Canada certified flight school in British Columbia on the candidate’s potential to complete the program.
Emil Oucharek Memorial Rotary: $1,750
- Student demonstrates a commitment to complete Commercial Pilot Helicopter Licence training.
- Has demonstrated an interest in aviation and have been recognized for community service during their academic or working career; a letter or letters to support this requirement should be provided by individuals known to the student.
- Must include a Letter of Recommendation from Transport Canada certified flight school in British Columbia regarding the candidate’s current training and potential to complete a rotary commercial licence.
- Must demonstrate need and/or a rationale for financial assistance.
Helijet Helicopter AME, IFR or eVTOL Training: $5,000
- Student demonstrates commitment to completing the program.
- Include a signed statement from recognized university, college, training institute or Transport Canada certified flight school in British Columbia on the candidate’s potential to complete the program.
John and Michelle Ward Memorial: $2,000
- Actively engaged in commercial pilot training.
- Superior flying skills.
- Excellence in airmanship – signed statement from recognized university, college, training institute or Transport Canada certified flight school.
- Demonstrated commitment to continue with commercial pilot training to obtain licence in fixed or rotary wing aircraft.
Langley Aero Club: $1,500
- Towards a Private or Commercial pilot licence at a Transport Canada approved flight school in British Columbia.
Pacific Coastal Airlines, Sheldon Smith Memorial, Pilot/AME Aviation Training: $10,000
- Open to all BC residents who are actively pursuing training as a pilot or AME.
- The applicant must demonstrate how the training will contribute to their aviation career.
- Must demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a career with a small to medium-sized British Columbia air operator.
West Coast Pilot Club: $1,500
- Towards a Private or Commercial pilots licence at a Transport Canada approved flight school in British Columbia.
BCAC Flight Instructor Training: $1,500
- Student is obtaining their fixed or rotary wing Instructor Rating License.
- Provide PPL.
- Must show commitment to training and teaching others, such as showing a dedicated interest in aviation and a commitment to complete the program.
- Application to include letter of recommendation from a Transport Canada certified flight school in British Columbia advising on candidate’s potential to complete the program.
Francois Leh Flight Instructor Training: $1,500
- BC residency and will remain in BC to work as a Flight Instructor.
- A curious mind and desire to learn and share their acquired knowledge with others.
- Desire to give back to the community through participation in aviation related events, organizations and/or clubs.
- Show commitment to training and teaching others, a dedicated interest in general aviation and a commitment to share knowledge as a career choice not just a path to build hours for the airlines.
- A letter of recommendation from a Transport Canada certified Class 1 Flight Instructor School in British Columbia advising on candidate’s potential to complete the Program.
Barry and Jim Aviation Maintenance Graduate: $3,500
- Recent graduate from AME program in British Columbia.
- Will have overcome some great personal challenge(s) in order to complete the program.
- Demonstrate capacity for hard work and determination to succeed.
Camber Aviation Sea-to-Sky Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (AME): $3,000
(A mentorship program will also be offered to the successful candidate.)
- The student must be actively pursuing training, or accepted as, an AME student.
- Candidates who are residents of the Sea-to-Sky Corridor will be given priority.
- Candidates are to be a Canadian Citizen or have Permanent Residence status.
- The candidate must demonstrate a strong desire to complete training and become a certified AME.
- The candidate shall submit an application for the Camber Aviation Management Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Scholarship together with an 800 word essay on one of the following subjects:
- My Vision of the Future of Aviation in the Next 20 Years
- What do I Want to Achieve as an AME
- Why Aviation is Critical to British Columbia
- Why Aviation is My Passion
- Explain How a Turbine Engine Works
- Volunteer work in the aviation sector will be considered an asset.
Harbour Air Fixed Wing Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Award and Apprenticeship: 2 x $3,000
- Paid apprenticeship is optional.
Helijet Helicopter AME, IFR or eVTOL Training: $5,000
- Student demonstrates commitment to completing the program.
- Include a signed statement from recognized university, college, training institute or Transport Canada certified flying school in British Columbia on the candidates potential to complete the program.
- If successful, will require a simple budget for the money awarded.
Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association (PAMEA) AME Award: $1,500
- Promotes prospective AME candidates that recently graduated or are currently enrolled and have completed at least 75% of their training in an accredited AME training school in British Columbia.
- Must show an aptitude and desire for a career in aircraft maintenance, be a Canadian Citizen, Landed Immigrant or have proof of ability to work in Canada.
- This award is due to the support of some very special people, including Ferdinand (Ferdie) Vachon AME (Aviation Hall of Fame 2001), Gordon Peters AME, BCIT Instructor (1985), and Alan and Dorthy Ludbrook Pioneers in Avionics in Vancouver, who created the PAMEA Scholarship Fund to promote the best in aircraft maintenance.
- Studies can be completed anywhere in Canada.
Pacific Coastal Airlines, Sheldon Smith Memorial, Pilot/AME Aviation Training: $10,000
- Open to all BC residents who are actively pursuing training as a pilot or AME.
- The applicant must demonstrate how the training will contribute to their aviation career.
- Must demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a career with a small to medium-sized British Columbia air operator.
BCAC Airports Committee Operations/Management Training: $2,000
- Completed at least one year (or equivalent) at an educational institution in the above discipline and has at least one more year to complete the program.
- Demonstrated personal initiative and leadership qualities in the program.
- Demonstrated commitment to continue with training to obtain diploma, degree or certification.
- Extra consideration will be given to those who express interest in taking a practicum or internship at an airport outside of the Lower Mainland.
Nanaimo Airport Commission (YCD) Airport Employee Training: $1,500
- To assist anyone working on or near an airport in British Columbia with pursuing further studies that are intended to advance their aviation or aerospace career, broadly defined.
PetroValue Airport Management and Technical Training: $2,500
Student Application Criteria:
- Is currently enrolled at an educational institution in airport management with another year to complete.
- Extra consideration given for expressing an interest in taking a practicum or internship at an airport outside the Lower Mainland; or
Mid-Career Application Criteria:
- Is currently employed at or on an airport in a management or operational role.
- Supported by their employer for additional training in management, technical or safety field.
- Must show acceptance into a recognized training or technical course.
- Preference will be given to applicants from smaller airports with fuelling operations.
Pitt Meadows Airport (YPK) Gateway to Education: $5,000
- Must be actively pursuing training at the BCIT Aviation Management and Operations Program.
- Be a Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant and a resident of BC.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Must describe their desire to complete training and pursue a career in airport management or operations.
- Volunteer work in the aviation and aerospace sector will be considered in the selection process.
William Templeton Airport Operations Management Training: $1,500
- Completed at least one year (or equivalent) at an educational institution in the above discipline and has at least one more year to complete the training course.
- Demonstrated personal initiative and leadership qualities in the program.
- Demonstrated commitment to continue with training to obtain diploma, degree, or certification.

Photo: Heart Aerospace
Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang, Ernie Alexander Memorial: $2,500
- Currently enrolled in an aviation or aerospace program at a post-secondary institution in British Columbia.
- Has an academic grade average of 75% or higher.
- Demonstrates achievement in community involvement.
- Demonstrated commitment to continue with training to obtain certification, diploma, or degree.
BCAC Aviation and Aerospace Award: $1,500
- Supports education in any field related to aviation and aerospace.
BCAC Career Training: $1,500
- Any recognized aviation or aerospace field.
- Serious mature student who has already demonstrated success in chosen aviation or aerospace field and is upgrading or completing skills training.
- Individual must have completed at least 75% of their area of training.
- Application to include letter of recommendation from accredited or registered college, university, or flight school, advising of candidates potential to complete the selected program.
Kelowna International Airport (YLW): $2,500
- Presented annually to a deserving student to assist in completing post secondary education in the field of aviation/aerospace.
- Applicants must be from the Okanagan region and enrolled in an aviation or aerospace program in the Okanagan region, at a B.C. provincially recognized university, college, training institution or a Transport Canada certified flight school.
- The application must include a letter of recommendation from the educational institution advising on the candidate’s current training and potential to complete the training.
- The student should demonstrate how the proposed education will benefit their career.
Lynne Denison Foster BCIT Award: $1,500
- Dedicated to Students enrolled in BCIT aviation and aerospace programs.
Mary Swain Memorial Aviation Training Supporting Women (Mary Swain)(Mary Swain Eulogy): $1,500
- Must be female.
- Currently registered at a B.C. provincially recognized university, college, training institution or a Transport Canada certified flight school to become a private or commercial pilot, AME or airport operations/management.
- Shows an interest in aviation and aerospace and has demonstrated a commitment to complete her training in that field.
- The application must be supported by a BCAC member or a Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) member.
Nanaimo Airport Commission (YCD) Airport Employee Training: $1,500
- To assist anyone working on or near an airport in British Columbia with pursuing further studies that are intended to advance their aviation or aerospace career, broadly defined.
Pacific Coastal Airlines, Daryl Smith Memorial Indigenous Youth Aviation: $10,000
- Open to Indigenous Students in Canada who are attending school in BC. Declaration required but not documentation.
- Awarded to Students who are actively pursuing training as a pilot, aircraft maintenance engineer (AME), flight attendant, flight or airport operations, or airline management.
- Must demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a career in aviation.
Pacific Coastal Airlines, Paul Biglin Memorial, Indigenous Youth Aviation: $10,000
- Open to Indigenous Students in Canada who are attending school in BC. Declaration required but not documentation.
- Awarded to Students who are actively pursuing training as a pilot, aircraft maintenance engineer (AME), flight attendant, flight or airport operations, or airline management.
- Must demonstrate a commitment to pursuing a career in aviation.
Prince George Airport (YXS)/BCAC Lheidli T’enneh Chief Dolleen Logan Award: $3,000
- Open to all Canadian Indigenous heritage students entering, or in, aviation and aerospace.
- Jointly funded by the BCAC and Prince George Airport Authority (YXS) in honour of Chief Logan’s welcoming for our 2023 conference in Prince George.
Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC)
BC General Aviation Association (BCGAA)
BCAC/BCIT Aerospace AME-M Ferdie Vachon Memorial Endowed Bursary
Canadian Airports Council (CAC) The Gerry Bruno Scholarship
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) Career and Scholarship Guide
Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) Neil J Armstrong Scholarship
Kenn Borek Air Pilot and AME $5,000 Scholarships for Western and Northern Canadian Students
Northern Lights Aero Foundation Elsie MacGill Award (Opens January 1st)
RCAF Foundation Student Scholarships
Woman In Aviation International
Zulu Aviation Summer Scholarship