An aviation and aerospace industry that is visible, connected, and thriving
October 24, 2017 (Vancouver, BC): Tomorrow at the annual Silver Wings Awards Gala, the B.C. Aviation Council will honour Natasha Shoebridge, one of the scholarship winners for 2017, with the Harbour Air Advanced Float Plane Endorsement Scholarship.
Natasha currently resides in Whistler, B.C. and has just completed her commercial fixed wing pilots license. Her dream is to be a float plane pilot on the coast of B.C.
The award offers approximately 50 hours of advanced seaplane training leading to the endorsement and qualifications required to become a commercial seaplane pilot. The flight training for this scholarship, valued at approximately $30,000, is provided and financed by Harbour Air Seaplanes through their International Seaplane Training School.
“We are beyond thrilled to present this scholarship to Natasha,” says Eric Scott, Vice President of Flight Operations and Safety with Harbour Air Seaplanes. “Natasha has proven her dedication to the aviation industry in B.C. and her passion to become a commercial float plane pilot.”
“BCAC is proud to support our aviation industry through our scholarship program, and the new addition of the Harbour Air Advanced Float Plane Endorsement this year is a great step in the right direction for our industry” says BCAC Chair Heather Bell.
About Harbour Air Seaplanes
Founded more than three decades ago by current CEO Greg McDougall, Harbour Air is North America’s largest seaplane airline, flying more than 425,000 passengers annually. It has become an important addition to the Lower Mainland’s transportation infrastructure and is a major contributor to B.C.’s tourism industry. The airline’s model is now being exported to other markets, including China, through Harbour Air International Consulting.
Media Contact
Eric Scott
Vice President, Flight Operations and Safety
(T) 604.233.3533 (M) 604.626.8336
About the BCAC’s Silver Wings Awards
At the annual Silver Wings Awards on October 25, the British Columbia Aviation Council (BCAC) will honour and highlight the many achievements of its members, industry leaders and the youth who benefit from the $28,500 awarded in scholarships this year along with the Harbour Air Advanced Float Plane Endorsment. BCAC’s premier event will take place on Wednesday, October 25 at Vancouver Convention Centre West, 1055 Canada Place, beginning at 6 p.m.
Tickets still available at
About the British Columbia Aviation Council
The British Columbia Aviation Council, established in 1938, is a member‐driven organization that represents and promotes the shared interests of the aviation community. It is a charitable society established under the Society Act and annually awards scholarships to students pursuing careers in aviation and aerospace.
Media contact
Candace McKibbon
Executive Director
(T) 778-846-8987