BCAC’s 75th Anniversary Reception a Great Success!

Sep 17, 2013

More then 100 BCAC members and colleagues gathered to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Council on September 16th  in Richmond.   A video containing historic photos of aviation in the province along with presidents from years past played throughout the evening, while  ‘a lot of networking went on’.  Chairman, Mark Duncan, presented the Jerry Lloyd family with a posthumous award, recognizing his service to the aviation industry.

A number of past Presidents and Chairmen gathered for a celebratory photo to mark this important milestone for the Council, including Rollie Back (1989-90, 2006-08) Jack Cameron (1993), Ken Dandy (1991), Scott Harrold (2000-01), Wayne McNeal (1987-88), George Miller (2003), Craig Richmond (2002), and Sandra Stoddart-Hansen (2011-12).

If you weren’t able to attend, don’t miss the next event, Silver Wings Awards and Workshop, October 30th.



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